Undergraduate studies
Smart totems will be designed by UTEC for efficient management of rural roads in Rivera

Smart totems will be designed by UTEC for efficient management of rural roads in Rivera

A project financed by the IDB seeks to make a leap in quality in management tasks of departmental governments using ICT tools, artificial intelligence, renewable energy and second...

Young people committed to water and the future: students who lead the care of this resource

Young people committed to water and the future: students who lead the care of this resource

Two students of Water Engineering and Sustainable Development talk about the importance of studying and working to take care of water resources in Uruguay. We celebrate World Wate...

Wood waste becomes filters to improve the quality of the water that flows from the Rivera landfill into the Cuñapirú stream.

Wood waste becomes filters to improve the quality of the water that flows from the Rivera landfill into the Cuñapirú stream.

The project led by UTEC Rivera teachers seeks to reduce some contaminants in wastewater and raise awareness in the community about the importance of classifying solid waste at sou...

Resultados de sorteos para ingresar en 2024 a carreras de Tecnologías de la Información

Resultados de sorteos para ingresar en 2024 a carreras de Tecnologías de la Información

Más de 1100 personas se postularon en noviembre-diciembre a la Licenciatura en Tecnologías de la Información y el Tecnólogo en Análisis y Desarrollo de Sistemas, carreras de UTEC ...

The Rivera Development Agency resumes its activities with a focus on innovation and with the participation of UTEC

The Rivera Development Agency resumes its activities with a focus on innovation and with the participation of UTEC

In 2023 its operation was reactivated and in 2024 it is preparing to work with greater dynamism

UTEC abrió su segundo período de preinscripciones para 2024 con nueva carrera en el área de datos e Inteligencia Artificial

UTEC abrió su segundo período de preinscripciones para 2024 con nueva carrera en el área de datos e Inteligencia Artificial

Desde el 22 de enero y hasta el 16 de febrero la Universidad Tecnológica recibe postulaciones para 16 carreras de grado en sostenibilidad ambiental, alimentos, mecatrónica, logíst...

Three Logistics Engineers, three experiences: a teacher, an entrepreneur and a manager

Three Logistics Engineers, three experiences: a teacher, an entrepreneur and a manager

Cecilia, Damián and Camilo are graduates of Logistics Engineering from UTEC and take advantage of their knowledge by working in Uruguay in this sector from the North of the country.

Se identificaron desafíos de la cadena forestal y en 2024 inician proyectos en agua y suelo

Se identificaron desafíos de la cadena forestal y en 2024 inician proyectos en agua y suelo

Reutilizar residuos de la cadena forestal y abordar los problemas de incendios, plagas y sequías vinculados al cambio climático son algunos de los desafíos y para esto se proponen...

UTEC students show development of a charging station for electric bikes and approach trends in logistics

UTEC students show development of a charging station for electric bikes and approach trends in logistics

The main actors in the country's logistics ecosystem met in the East at Expo Carga 2023 to discuss the present and future of the sector. UTEC was present with student projects and...