What is the relationship between satellite imagery, software development and revenue management?
A software prototype that provides information that allows departmental governments to better understand and plan urban development was the work presented by teachers of Control a...
Result of the raffle for the Systems Analysis and Development Technologist
Thirty-two new students from Uruguay and Brazil were admitted to the course taught in Rivera and will begin their school year on July 31.
The first technologists in Systems Analysis and Development graduate
A waste collection truck tracking system, a photo organizer by geolocation, data to predict health problems and content suggestions for a community, these were the final projects
Resultados del sorteo del Tecnólogo en Análisis y Desarrollo de Sistemas
Se realizó el sorteo para designar a los admitidos y conformar la lista de prelación de esta carrera que superó los cupos
How to become a programmer in 12 weeks: new UTEC bootcamp with the support of Santander
The second bootcamp is trained in the most demanded languages on the market and has begun its pre-registration.
Mediante un sorteo se completaron los cupos para el Tecnólogo en Análisis y Desarrollo de Sistemas
En el periodo de octubre 2021 se dispusieron seis cupos exclusivos para mujeres. Cuatro de ellos se completaron en forma directa, y los otros, al no haber mujeres interesadas, los...
Empresa NTConsult anunció la contratación de diez pasantes de UTEC
Faltan pocos días para que estudiantes de UTEC comiencen su pasantía en una de las grandes compañías de desarrollo de software de la región.
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Teléfono (+598) 2603 8832 | consultas@utec.edu.uy