Preinscripciones abiertas desde el

20 de enero al 21 de febrero

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UTEC Norte students design a charging station for electric bicycles with a tracking and user management system

UTEC Norte students design a charging station for electric bicycles with a tracking and user management system

The prototype is in the final stage of development and is already functional. Now they are looking to implement it as a pilot at the Northern Regional Technological Institute.

Global Gamers: the “virtual manager” for eSports competitors sponsored by UTEC, ANII and ANDE

Global Gamers: the “virtual manager” for eSports competitors sponsored by UTEC, ANII and ANDE

The web platform seeks to transform the experience of e-sports competitors and entrepreneurs with tools for their professional development, as well as commercial and competition o...

Events UTEC



estudiantes matriculados en 2023


are a first-generation college student in their families.


egresados en 2023 que trabajan lo hacen en áreas relacionadas a su formación


localities and 19 departments: students come from all over Uruguay

UTEC in the territory

Southwest region

Southwest region

Central-south region

Central-south region

Northern region

Northern region

Eastern region

Eastern region

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Multimedia UTEC
En tu interior está UTEC
En tu interior está UTEC
Reviví la inauguración de la ampliación de UTEC Durazno
Reviví la inauguración de la ampliación de UTEC Durazno
UTEC Mercedes inauguró su ampliación con ritmo musical
UTEC Mercedes inauguró su ampliación con ritmo musical
En tu interior está UTEC
En tu interior está UTEC
Reviví la inauguración de la ampliación de UTEC Durazno
Reviví la inauguración de la ampliación de UTEC Durazno
UTEC Mercedes inauguró su ampliación con ritmo musical
UTEC Mercedes inauguró su ampliación con ritmo musical