The Central-South Regional Technological Institute (RTI) is positioned as the “green RTI” of UTEC, as it concentrates the educational offer linked to environmental sustainability. In response to the needs of the country's productive sector, the Central-South RTI works on the development of three main pillars: water (quality, use, management and treatment of the resource), monitoring (remote sensing for water, soil and air) and clean energy (solar and wind). In coordination with various local and national agents, the Central-South RTI is aligned to the 2030 Agenda through the following sustainable development goals (SDGs): clean water and sanitation (No. 6), affordable and non-polluting energy (No. 7), sustainable cities and communities (No. 11) and climate action (No. 13).
It is located on the premises where Doctor Emilio Penza hospital used to be situated, and preserves part of the original infrastructure. The venue has several laboratories for microbiology, effluents, water; solar and wind energy, among others. In addition, it has rooms for environmental monitoring with high-tech equipment and application and use of satellite images, a virtual library, a 3.0 classroom and a Dome, where the Open Innovation Laboratory is located.
It is located in the heart of the city of San José de Mayo, on the premises where the Departmental Prison used to operate. The institute has two 3.0 classrooms, two equipped computer labs, a cowork space and a virtual library.
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(+598) 4362 0217
Gral José G. Artigas 456-490
San José
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