The call for proposals for adaptation to climate change in Durazno and Rivera is open
The Technological University together with the Ministry of the Environment invites you to participate in the call to design innovative solutions in both cities. A total of four pr...
Smart totems will be designed by UTEC for efficient management of rural roads in Rivera
A project financed by the IDB seeks to make a leap in quality in management tasks of departmental governments using ICT tools, artificial intelligence, renewable energy and second...
UTEC logistics analysis proposes improvements in key areas of the Rivera Municipality
Optimizing human and material resources for rural road works and increasing the productivity of Municipality workshops were the main objectives of two Logistics Engineering projec...
UTEC será contraparte nacional en proyecto bilateral con Colombia
Los actores del ecosistema binacional Área B de la frontera Rivera-Livramento serán los beneficiarios principales de este intercambio sobre una experiencia de transformación terri...
Animate a desarrollar esa idea tecnológica que tenés en mente
¡Oportunidad abierta a toda persona que quiera emprender! Hasta el 30 de mayo está abierto el período de inscripciones para la convocatoria Pre-incubación 2021 de UTEC Innova. Pue...
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