Pre-registration 2025: study at the public, free, technological and interior University

Pre-registration 2025: study at the public, free, technological and interior University

From January 20 to February 21, UTEC opens the second online pre-registration period at

UTEC abrió su segundo período de preinscripciones para 2024 con nueva carrera en el área de datos e Inteligencia Artificial

UTEC abrió su segundo período de preinscripciones para 2024 con nueva carrera en el área de datos e Inteligencia Artificial

Desde el 22 de enero y hasta el 16 de febrero la Universidad Tecnológica recibe postulaciones para 16 carreras de grado en sostenibilidad ambiental, alimentos, mecatrónica, logíst...

The new UTEC career in 2024 will train in Data and Artificial Intelligence in Rivera

The new UTEC career in 2024 will train in Data and Artificial Intelligence in Rivera

From November 1 to December 22, the Technological University receives applicants for its 18 degree programs distributed throughout the country. Among them is the new Bachelor's De...