Waste logistics and an innovative electrical circuit are  works of students who received their degrees at UTEC Rivera

Waste logistics and an innovative electrical circuit are works of students who received their degrees at UTEC Rivera

A cargo terminal associated with the Rivera airport, an innovative electrical circuit to heat the surface of metals and a new supply chain for the processing of household waste, w...

UTEC students take robotics to the deep interior with support from INJU

UTEC students take robotics to the deep interior with support from INJU

Motivating more young people to study robotics is the objective of three young people who seek to be engineers in Control and Automatics

UTEC students achieve first place in robotics world cup in germany

UTEC students achieve first place in robotics world cup in germany

The robotics team from the University of Technology, called Urubots, took first place in the Mission Impossible United subcategory at the FIRA RoboWorld Cup and Summit 2023 in Wol...

The University brings together experts in electric mobility to think about the future in Rivera

The University brings together experts in electric mobility to think about the future in Rivera

What are the advances and challenges presented by hybrid and electric vehicles? What changes are taking place in Latin America that are driving the electric mobility sector? These...

Resultados del sorteo de las carreras que superaron sus cupos en el segundo período

Resultados del sorteo de las carreras que superaron sus cupos en el segundo período

La Ingeniería en Control y Automática, la Licenciatura en Análisis Alimentario, el Tecnólogo Químico y el Tecnólogo en Informática recurrieron a sorteo para determinar la admisión...

Four technological solutions based on the concerns of departmental administrations

Four technological solutions based on the concerns of departmental administrations

Smart container, solid waste monitoring in water, a solution for a second life for lithium batteries and a system for tourist consultations are the solutions that include technolo...

Nueva Ingeniería en Control y Automática en UTEC Rivera

Nueva Ingeniería en Control y Automática en UTEC Rivera

Comienza en 2022 y es la continuidad del Tecnólogo en Mecatrónica Industrial

Proyecto de estudiantes de UTEC fue ganador del Desafío Frontera Inteligente: busca solucionar un problema de movilidad urbana en Rivera

Proyecto de estudiantes de UTEC fue ganador del Desafío Frontera Inteligente: busca solucionar un problema de movilidad urbana en Rivera

El 71% de los riverenses afirma que usaría más el servicio de transporte público si pudiera acceder a información en tiempo real de la ubicación y rutas de los buses. Este dato mo...

UTEC 2022: more careers offered in hybrid mode and presence in Cerro Largo and Lavalleja

UTEC 2022: more careers offered in hybrid mode and presence in Cerro Largo and Lavalleja

The first online pre-registration period will be open at discover.utec.edu.uy until December 24, inclusive. In 2022 UTEC will offer five courses in a blended mode and will land in...