Undergraduate studies
UTEC inaugurates headquarters in Cerro Largo in a historic building in Melo

UTEC inaugurates headquarters in Cerro Largo in a historic building in Melo

The Technological University is installed in the city of Melo in an old building ceded on loan by the Departmental Administration of Cerro Largo for a period of 10 years. This stu...

The first technologists in Systems Analysis and Development graduate

The first technologists in Systems Analysis and Development graduate

A waste collection truck tracking system, a photo organizer by geolocation, data to predict health problems and content suggestions for a community, these were the final projects

“Rampant urban growth” versus sustainable cities and logistics at the center of the debate

“Rampant urban growth” versus sustainable cities and logistics at the center of the debate

Rivera hosted the I UTEC Sustainable Supply Chains seminar that brought together students and academics for three days at the North Regional Technological Institute

New intensive programming training with priority for Cerro Largo and women

New intensive programming training with priority for Cerro Largo and women

From June 19 to 30, registration is open for a new 12-week UTEC Bootcamp to become Full Stack developers

The University brings together experts in electric mobility to think about the future in Rivera

The University brings together experts in electric mobility to think about the future in Rivera

What are the advances and challenges presented by hybrid and electric vehicles? What changes are taking place in Latin America that are driving the electric mobility sector? These...

The 111 graduates of UTEC and the three milestones of the first degrees of the year

The 111 graduates of UTEC and the three milestones of the first degrees of the year

The first Engineer in Water and Sustainable Development in the South Center, the first Technologists in Systems Analysis and Development in the North, and the first Technologist i...

Recibió su título la primera Tecnóloga en Control Ambiental de UTEC

Recibió su título la primera Tecnóloga en Control Ambiental de UTEC

El uso de pitanga con fines cosméticos, abordar el miedo desde la música, estos fueron algunos de los trabajos finales de 44 estudiantes de la regional Suroeste que recibieron sus...

El miedo y la tecnología: dos elementos que inspiraron el trabajo de Ayelén Charlo

El miedo y la tecnología: dos elementos que inspiraron el trabajo de Ayelén Charlo

La Tecnóloga en Jazz y Música Creativa recibió su título de UTEC el jueves 25 de mayo en Fray Bentos en una ceremonia en la que también brindó un espectáculo.

New application period for Systems Analysis and Development Technologist

New application period for Systems Analysis and Development Technologist

From June 1 to 30, the Technological University opens pre-registration for the race that is taught in Rivera