Undergraduate studies

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Ingeniería en Biomédica y Facultad de Veterinaria estrechan lazos y exploran áreas de trabajo en conjunto

Autoridades de la Universidad Tecnológica y de Facultad de Veterinaria realizaron un recorrido por el ...

The Binational Area moves with innovation as its purpose

The Binational Area moves with innovation as its purpose

The border of Rivera with Santana do Livramento, the so-called Area B, was the scene of the III Binational Innovation Week. The activity brought together students, entrepreneurs, ...

The call for proposals for adaptation to climate change in Durazno and Rivera is open

The call for proposals for adaptation to climate change in Durazno and Rivera is open

The Technological University together with the Ministry of the Environment invites you to participate in the call to design innovative solutions in both cities. A total of four pr...

Alejandro Salmantón:

Alejandro Salmantón: "our differential is allowing Mrs. María to create a virtual assistant that can respond to her business"

The entrepreneur incubated by UTEC in Rivera won first prize in the eCommerce Startup Competition Uruguay with his company Neural Think. Its platform allows anyone to create virtu...

The Urubots stood out again at the FIRA RoboWorld Cup

The Urubots stood out again at the FIRA RoboWorld Cup

The robotics team from the Technological University, Urubots, achieved third place in the Autonomous Cars and Humanoids categories. He faced teams from China, Taiwan and Russia, a...

Una puerta de entrada a la tecnología: UTEC y ANDA dieron comienzo al bootcamp para desarrolladores web

Una puerta de entrada a la tecnología: UTEC y ANDA dieron comienzo al bootcamp para desarrolladores web

Durante las próximas 18 semanas, 51 socios y socias de ANDA formarán parte de una nueva capacitación intensiva en herramientas tecnológicas. Para UTEC es el octavo bootcamp para d...

UTEC Norte teachers gave workshops on technology and trained instructors in Peru

UTEC Norte teachers gave workshops on technology and trained instructors in Peru

The delegation gave workshops on Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence and project management to instructors in several cities of the Andean country.

TechLab: el programa que apuesta las capacidades en áreas STEAM y las acerca a escolares de Paysandú

TechLab: el programa que apuesta las capacidades en áreas STEAM y las acerca a escolares de Paysandú

La propuesta se enmarca en la carrera de Tecnólogo en Informática de UTEC Paysandú. Surgió en 2022 y tiene como objetivo principal sensibilizar sobre el alcance y la relevancia de...

An accessible educational platform and a digital tool for tourism: two of the projects of graduates of the Technologist in Systems Analysis and Development

An accessible educational platform and a digital tool for tourism: two of the projects of graduates of the Technologist in Systems Analys...

In August, seven students completed the binational degree that UTEC shares with the Sul-riograndense Institute of Education, Science and Technology (IFSul) and the General Directo...

UTEC Futuros: un encuentro para anticipar los desafíos globales de un mundo en transición

UTEC Futuros: un encuentro para anticipar los desafíos globales de un mundo en transición

La jornada se centró en las transformaciones globales y su impacto en Uruguay. Con la participación de expertos internacionales, se abordaron temas como cambio climático, educació...