Undergraduate studies

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Satellite images are used to monitor reservoirs to optimize water consumption in rice production.

Water is an essential resource for both agriculture and society in general. Efficient management of this ...

Sixteen new professionals graduate from the Systems Analysis and Development Technologist program.

Sixteen new professionals graduate from the Systems Analysis and Development Technologist program.

The binational program offered by UTEC, UTU, and IFSul reached 35 graduates, consolidating the success of this academic initiative shared by Uruguay and Brazil since 2019.

UTEC 2030: una hoja de ruta para consolidar el impacto de la Universidad Tecnológica en el país

UTEC 2030: una hoja de ruta para consolidar el impacto de la Universidad Tecnológica en el país

Es el resultado de un proceso que combinó análisis prospectivo, revisión de evidencia, escucha e interpretación colectiva, y diálogos abiertos.

Warning signs and strategies to detect and prevent attacks cybernetics with artificial intelligence

Warning signs and strategies to detect and prevent attacks cybernetics with artificial intelligence

The circulation of fake videos that use voices and images of public figures is increasing frequent in Uruguay. They recommend supposed investment platforms, but they are not them...

Projects by UTEC logistics students help optimize processes and reduce operating costs in forestry and beverage companies

Projects by UTEC logistics students help optimize processes and reduce operating costs in forestry and beverage companies

A new generation of students is looking for companies that want to receive them to carry out a logistical diagnosis and propose improvements. To register for the call you must com...

Un resonador lúdico creado por UTEC humaniza experiencias médicas de niños en el Pereira Rossell

Un resonador lúdico creado por UTEC humaniza experiencias médicas de niños en el Pereira Rossell

Estudiantes de Ingeniería Biomédica de UTEC crearon una réplica lúdica del resonador para pacientes del hospital pediátrico. Buscan disminuir la ansiedad en niños a la hora de rea...

UTEC students develop app to improve mobility in Melo

UTEC students develop app to improve mobility in Melo

Movi-Melo is the winning proposal between two initiatives presented. It will offer useful information to improve people's mobility, including data on public transport and points o...

57% of the students awarded research scholarships at UTEC in 2024 are enrolled in programs at the Durazno campus.

57% of the students awarded research scholarships at UTEC in 2024 are enrolled in programs at the Durazno campus.

There are five women, students and agro-environmental technologists, who have studied the properties of arrayán, beans in Uruguay, the trees along the Yi River for their ability t...

What is the relationship between satellite imagery, software development and revenue management?

What is the relationship between satellite imagery, software development and revenue management?

A software prototype that provides information that allows departmental governments to better understand and plan urban development was the work presented by teachers of Control a...

Results of the races that exceeded the registration quotas

Results of the races that exceeded the registration quotas

In order to confirm registration in the races where the quota was exceeded and to generate the corresponding priority list, a draw was held on Friday, January 24, 2025 before a no...