“Rampant urban growth” versus sustainable cities and logistics at the center of the debate
Rivera hosted the I UTEC Sustainable Supply Chains seminar that brought together students and academics for three days at the North Regional Technological Institute
New intensive programming training with priority for Cerro Largo and women
From June 19 to 30, registration is open for a new 12-week UTEC Bootcamp to become Full Stack developers
New application period for Systems Analysis and Development Technologist
From June 1 to 30, the Technological University opens pre-registration for the race that is taught in Rivera
“Las cadenas se están reestructurando para atender la cultura de la inmediatez”
Marco Guimaraens, docente de Ingeniería en Logística de UTEC desde los inicios de la carrera en Rivera cierra una etapa profesional y reflexiona sobre los desafíos futuros de la l...
Resultados del sorteo de las carreras que superaron sus cupos en el segundo período
La Ingeniería en Control y Automática, la Licenciatura en Análisis Alimentario, el Tecnólogo Químico y el Tecnólogo en Informática recurrieron a sorteo para determinar la admisión...
Results of the draw for the Degree in Information Technology
The raffle was carried out to designate those admitted and make up the priority list of this race that exceeded the quotas
Resultados del sorteo del Tecnólogo en Análisis y Desarrollo de Sistemas
Se realizó el sorteo para designar a los admitidos y conformar la lista de prelación de esta carrera que superó los cupos
In Rivera, the first logistics engineers in the country graduated
Sixty-nine students received their intermediate and final degrees in the three regions where the Technological University is present.
Start of the Bachelor of IT in Minas and Melo: list of students for both venues
The career starts next August 8 and offers 40 places in each venue; In the case of Minas, a lottery was necessary.
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Teléfono (+598) 2603 8832 | consultas@utec.edu.uy