Academia Takes First Step to Establish a Green Hydrogen Work Network in Uruguay with UTEC and Udelar Participation

Academia Takes First Step to Establish a Green Hydrogen Work Network in Uruguay with UTEC and Udelar Participation

Paysandú hosted the First Academic Conference on Green Hydrogen in Uruguay, an event that marked a milestone by bringing together various actors from academic, social, and product...

Cities and their energy requirements under study: UTEC Durazno has new Renewable Energy engineers and a dozen other graduates

Cities and their energy requirements under study: UTEC Durazno has new Renewable Energy engineers and a dozen other graduates

The first graduate of the Educational Link Program received their degree, allowing a UTU student to continue their studies towards a degree in Renewable Energy Engineering and val...

The call for proposals for adaptation to climate change in Durazno and Rivera is open

The call for proposals for adaptation to climate change in Durazno and Rivera is open

The Technological University together with the Ministry of the Environment invites you to participate in the call to design innovative solutions in both cities. A total of four pr...

Technical Water Conferences propose optimization of water resources for agriculture through innovative irrigation techniques

Technical Water Conferences propose optimization of water resources for agriculture through innovative irrigation techniques

Experts, researchers, students and agricultural producers from Cerro Largo and surrounding areas met at the third edition of the Water Technical Conference organized by UTEC's Wat...

Instituciones educativas adoptan las huertas agroecológicas e integran a la comunidad en el interior

Instituciones educativas adoptan las huertas agroecológicas e integran a la comunidad en el interior

Centros Caif y escuelas del departamento de Durazno participaron durante 2023 de la propuesta de huertas agroecológicas, iniciativa del curso de promotores de huertas donde se for...

Young people committed to water and the future: students who lead the care of this resource

Young people committed to water and the future: students who lead the care of this resource

Two students of Water Engineering and Sustainable Development talk about the importance of studying and working to take care of water resources in Uruguay. We celebrate World Wate...

A map of the geothermal potential of Uruguay, biofertilizers from microalgae and environmental indicators

A map of the geothermal potential of Uruguay, biofertilizers from microalgae and environmental indicators

These research projects were presented by UTEC teachers, graduates and students at the Sustainable Uruguay Expo

Una segunda vida para las baterías de litio desde Durazno: packs reciclados

Una segunda vida para las baterías de litio desde Durazno: packs reciclados

UTEC recibe baterías de litio de computadoras y tablets en su sede de Durazno para reutilizarlas y la Intendencia de Durazno desplegó un sistema de recolección en todo el departam...

Vehículos eléctricos para UTEC en el interior

Vehículos eléctricos para UTEC en el interior

La Universidad se sumó al programa Movés de la Dirección de Energía con un auto de prueba para Durazno y sumará próximamente 15 bicicletas eléctricas para los estudiantes en Fray ...