Proyectos de I+D ofrecen soluciones innovadoras para desafíos en la cadena forestal-maderera

Proyectos de I+D ofrecen soluciones innovadoras para desafíos en la cadena forestal-maderera

Cuatro prototipos serán desarrollados en 2024. Fueron planteados como soluciones para los desafíos y las brechas identificadas en la Agenda de I+D de la región Centro-Norte y abor...

UTEC researchers seek to develop more efficient technologies to process electrical energy

UTEC researchers seek to develop more efficient technologies to process electrical energy

Cindy Ortiz and Wilmar Pineda, teachers of Control and Automatic Engineering, won a Clemente Estable fund from the National Research and Innovation Agency (ANII) to develop their ...

Smart totems will be designed by UTEC for efficient management of rural roads in Rivera

Smart totems will be designed by UTEC for efficient management of rural roads in Rivera

A project financed by the IDB seeks to make a leap in quality in management tasks of departmental governments using ICT tools, artificial intelligence, renewable energy and second...