Proyectos de I+D ofrecen soluciones innovadoras para desafíos en la cadena forestal-maderera
Cuatro prototipos serán desarrollados en 2024. Fueron planteados como soluciones para los desafíos y las brechas identificadas en la Agenda de I+D de la región Centro-Norte y abor...
UTEC researchers seek to develop more efficient technologies to process electrical energy
Cindy Ortiz and Wilmar Pineda, teachers of Control and Automatic Engineering, won a Clemente Estable fund from the National Research and Innovation Agency (ANII) to develop their ...
Smart totems will be designed by UTEC for efficient management of rural roads in Rivera
A project financed by the IDB seeks to make a leap in quality in management tasks of departmental governments using ICT tools, artificial intelligence, renewable energy and second...
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