Regional venues

The Northern Regional Technological Institute (RTI) is committed to becoming a reference center in the region in training and research in the area of ​​Industry 4.0. In response to the demands of the productive sector, it offers degree courses related to Logistics, Industrial Mechatronics and Systems, and a postgraduate degree in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. Another of its characteristics is bi-nationality: since its inception, UTEC’s northern institute has forged a strong integration with higher education institutions in southern Brazil. Currently, three of its four majors are binational.

The institute is located in the Rivera Higher Education Pole where it shares territory with UdelaR, CETP/UTU and the CFE. It has a Logistics laboratory classroom, and laboratories of Physics and Materials Science, Electro-electronics, Control and Automation, Computer Science, and a Mechanics workshop. In addition, it has a terrace to enjoy the sunsets and a virtual library space next to the canteen. The new annex will also provide a cowork area and a digital manufacturing laboratory.

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Resultados del sorteo de las carreras que superaron cupos

Finalizado el segundo período de preinscripciones para ingresar en 2025 a la Universidad Tecnológica se definieron las listas de admitidos y listas de prelación mediante sorteo pa...

Projects by UTEC logistics students help optimize processes and reduce operating costs in forestry and beverage companies

Projects by UTEC logistics students help optimize processes and reduce operating costs in forestry and beverage companies

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Events UTEC
Multimedia UTEC
Crece UTEC en Melo
Crece UTEC en Melo
#DescubríUTEC - ITR Norte
#DescubríUTEC - ITR Norte
Inauguración nuevo edificio - ITR Norte
Inauguración nuevo edificio - ITR Norte
Titulaciones ITR Norte
Titulaciones ITR Norte
En tu interior está UTEC
En tu interior está UTEC
Norte - noviembre 2024
Norte - noviembre 2024
Repasá la transmisión en vivo de las titulaciones del Posgrado en Robótica e Inteligencia Artificial
Repasá la transmisión en vivo de las titulaciones del Posgrado en Robótica e Inteligencia Artificial
Mirá la ceremonia de titulaciones de UTEC Norte
Mirá la ceremonia de titulaciones de UTEC Norte
Crece UTEC en Melo
Crece UTEC en Melo
#DescubríUTEC - ITR Norte
#DescubríUTEC - ITR Norte
Inauguración nuevo edificio - ITR Norte
Inauguración nuevo edificio - ITR Norte
Titulaciones ITR Norte
Titulaciones ITR Norte
En tu interior está UTEC
En tu interior está UTEC
Norte - noviembre 2024
Norte - noviembre 2024
Repasá la transmisión en vivo de las titulaciones del Posgrado en Robótica e Inteligencia Artificial
Repasá la transmisión en vivo de las titulaciones del Posgrado en Robótica e Inteligencia Artificial
Mirá la ceremonia de titulaciones de UTEC Norte
Mirá la ceremonia de titulaciones de UTEC Norte
UTEC venues

Manuela Lestido N° 739. Cerro Largo, Uruguay


Ruta 5 (Guido Machado Brum) km 496


(+598) 4622 2147