Investigadores de UTEC desarrollan la primera versión del mapa del potencial eólico en aguas territoriales uruguayas

Investigadores de UTEC desarrollan la primera versión del mapa del potencial eólico en aguas territoriales uruguayas

El desarrollo de la eólica offshore acumula ventajas como vientos más constantes que en la tierra y mayores velocidades. El mapa es dinámico, se presentó en el stand de UTEC en la...

UTEC researchers seek to develop more efficient technologies to process electrical energy

UTEC researchers seek to develop more efficient technologies to process electrical energy

Cindy Ortiz and Wilmar Pineda, teachers of Control and Automatic Engineering, won a Clemente Estable fund from the National Research and Innovation Agency (ANII) to develop their ...

UTEC is the first Uruguayan institution to access the 100K CLIMA award

UTEC is the first Uruguayan institution to access the 100K CLIMA award

With the obtaining of this fund, the Technological University begins an academic exchange project from the Northern region on the use of energy for sustainable transportation toge...

Increase in female students in Renewable Energies

Increase in female students in Renewable Energies

The degree taught at UTEC Durazno has been increasing the participation of female students to an enrollment of 26% in 2024 but challenges still remain. Teachers prepare “energy am...