Results of the races that exceeded the registration quotas

Results of the races that exceeded the registration quotas

In order to confirm registration in the races where the quota was exceeded and to generate the corresponding priority list, a draw was held on Friday, January 24, 2025 before a no...

Pre-registration 2025: study at the public, free, technological and interior University

Pre-registration 2025: study at the public, free, technological and interior University

From January 20 to February 21, UTEC opens the second online pre-registration period at

An accessible educational platform and a digital tool for tourism: two of the projects of graduates of the Technologist in Systems Analysis and Development

An accessible educational platform and a digital tool for tourism: two of the projects of graduates of the Technologist in Systems Analys...

In August, seven students completed the binational degree that UTEC shares with the Sul-riograndense Institute of Education, Science and Technology (IFSul) and the General Directo...

Resultados del sorteo para el segundo período de ingresos del Tecnólogo en Análisis y Desarrollo de Sistemas

Resultados del sorteo para el segundo período de ingresos del Tecnólogo en Análisis y Desarrollo de Sistemas

Se realizó el sorteo para designar los 16 cupos disponibles entre los postulantes a la carrera binacional que se imparte en la sede del Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Te...

Opens opportunity to train in Systems Development in Rivera with a binational career

Opens opportunity to train in Systems Development in Rivera with a binational career

The Technologist in Systems Analysis and Development of UTEC, UTU and IFSUL will have open pre-registrations from June 3 to 28.

Resultados de sorteos para ingresar en 2024 a carreras de Tecnologías de la Información

Resultados de sorteos para ingresar en 2024 a carreras de Tecnologías de la Información

Más de 1100 personas se postularon en noviembre-diciembre a la Licenciatura en Tecnologías de la Información y el Tecnólogo en Análisis y Desarrollo de Sistemas, carreras de UTEC ...

UTEC abrió su segundo período de preinscripciones para 2024 con nueva carrera en el área de datos e Inteligencia Artificial

UTEC abrió su segundo período de preinscripciones para 2024 con nueva carrera en el área de datos e Inteligencia Artificial

Desde el 22 de enero y hasta el 16 de febrero la Universidad Tecnológica recibe postulaciones para 16 carreras de grado en sostenibilidad ambiental, alimentos, mecatrónica, logíst...

Result of the raffle for the Systems Analysis and Development Technologist

Result of the raffle for the Systems Analysis and Development Technologist

Thirty-two new students from Uruguay and Brazil were admitted to the course taught in Rivera and will begin their school year on July 31.

The first technologists in Systems Analysis and Development graduate

The first technologists in Systems Analysis and Development graduate

A waste collection truck tracking system, a photo organizer by geolocation, data to predict health problems and content suggestions for a community, these were the final projects