Comienza trabajo para construir una agenda de I+D con departamentos de la región Centro-Sur y Norte que atienda el desafío de la gestión sostenible de agua y suelo

Comienza trabajo para construir una agenda de I+D con departamentos de la región Centro-Sur y Norte que atienda el desafío de la gestión ...

UTEC inició este proceso con apoyo del BID y con la participación de gobiernos locales, institutos de investigación, academia, sector público y sector privado juntos

The International Day of Forests and the contribution from UTEC

The International Day of Forests and the contribution from UTEC

The importance of an ecosystem that covers a third of the planet and what actions the university takes to conserve the riverside forest of the Yí River

Minas de Corrales became the first town in the interior with a Precious Plastic recycling station with the support of UTEC

Minas de Corrales became the first town in the interior with a Precious Plastic recycling station with the support of UTEC

The Precious Plastic project, which originates in the Netherlands, was adapted to this town in the department of Rivera with the support of technicians from the UTEC Open Laborato...