Four technological solutions based on the concerns of departmental administrations

Four technological solutions based on the concerns of departmental administrations

Smart container, solid waste monitoring in water, a solution for a second life for lithium batteries and a system for tourist consultations are the solutions that include technolo...

New technology companies and the MIEM settled in the UTEC Innovation Center in Rivera

New technology companies and the MIEM settled in the UTEC Innovation Center in Rivera

All the rooms are occupied while the work area for 70 people receives students and entrepreneurs from the community

How to become a programmer in 12 weeks: new UTEC bootcamp with the support of Santander

How to become a programmer in 12 weeks: new UTEC bootcamp with the support of Santander

The second bootcamp is trained in the most demanded languages ​​on the market and has begun its pre-registration.

New opportunity to study Systems Analysis and Development Technologist

New opportunity to study Systems Analysis and Development Technologist

Pre-registration is open from July 25 to August 26, courses are taught in Rivera

Minas y Melo: abrieron las preinscripciones para la Licenciatura en Tecnologías de la Información

Minas y Melo: abrieron las preinscripciones para la Licenciatura en Tecnologías de la Información

La carrera semipresencial comienza los cursos en agosto con 40 cupos para cada sede. El plazo para anotarse es del 1 al 30 de junio y prepara instancias presenciales en junio

Resultados del proceso de selección del posgrado en Robótica e Inteligencia Artificial

Resultados del proceso de selección del posgrado en Robótica e Inteligencia Artificial

Trece estudiantes uruguayos, nueve brasileños y ocho argentinos ingresarán a la generación 2022