This program trains professionals capable of performing as laboratory technicians, performing tasks of responsibility in Quality Control Laboratories of the chemical and processing industries. Their training is complemented with elementary knowledge related to industrial processes, which opens the prospect for companies to have personnel with the potential for rapid preparation that allows them to carry out tasks related to production.
The active participation of students is promoted, made possible by a reduced number of students per group, favoring the development of a reflective, responsible and critical attitude regarding learning and the tasks to be carried out as graduates of the degree. The work methodology in the different courses is oriented in such a way as to develop the necessary competencies to achieve the graduation profile.
This race is managed by UTEC in the interior of the country. The degree is shared between UTEC, UdelaR and DGETP-UTU. Graduates of the Chemical Technologist can revalidate the first four semesters of the Bachelor's Degree in Food Analysis.
The following candidates can enter the career:
- Graduates of the EMT of Industrial Chemistry of the DGETP.
- Graduates of the Technique in Environmental Control
- Graduates of the Bachelor's Degree in Biochemistry
- Those who have studied at the Faculty of Chemistry (UdelaR) or who have studied Chemistry at ANEP Teacher Training Centers, which may revalidate some subjects based on the approved courses.
- Graduates of the Bachelor's Degree in Nutrition, the Sports and Recreation Baccalaureate of the DGETP and the Bachelor's in Biological Sciences, Agrarian Sciences and Physical Mathematics of the DGES, for which a system of articulation courses will be implemented with a duration of one year .
Graduates of this career will be competent to:
¡Conocé el plan de estudios de la carrera!
Las preinscripciones a las carreras de grado de UTEC inician generalmente en el mes de noviembre y se realizan a través de un formulario web. Una vez aprobada la fecha oficial de inicio y fin de preinscripciones, podrás verla en nuestro sitio web.
La documentación necesaria para realizar esta preinscripción es la siguiente:
Si realizaste tus estudios secundarios en el extranjero y querés preinscribirte a la carrera ingresá aquí para informarte.
En el caso de aquellas carreras que no poseen límite de cupos para el ingreso o cuyos cupos no son superados en el primer período de preinscripciones, se abre una nueva instancia en el período enero-febrero.
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