This degree trains professionals capable of developing tasks of relative complexity related to technologies in the fields of mechanical engineering, maint
In order to ensure the minimum knowledge, skills and abilities for the graduate profile, the Study Plan will cover four contents that are classified into the following categories: Basic, Technological and Complementary.
The graduate of this career may, if he wishes, continue his studies in the career of Mechanical Industrial Engineering or other careers of the Faculty of Engineering, being recognized a certain amount of credits by the Council of the Faculty of Engineering.
enance, production and management, as well as offering the possibility to join teamwork to carry out the same activities in more complex situations, in terms of their characteristics and scale.
This program is managed by UTEC in the interior of the country. Certification is granted by UTEC, UdelaR and UTU.
The following candidates can enter the program:
High School graduates from the Scientific Track - Engineering
High School graduates from the Science-Mathematics Track (emphasis in Mathematical Depth)
Graduates from the Bicultural High School program
(Candidates from the three cases mentioned above must take the Leveling Workshop 1)
Technical High School graduates from the Technical and Professional Education Council (CETP- UTU) from the following courses:
General Mechanics
Automotive Mechanics
UTU Technical Courses
Ship Engine Operator
Mechanical Technician (Production, Maintenance)
Vehicles and Engines
Mechanical technician
Technical High School graduates from:
Electromechanics, Thermodynamics, Automotive Mechanics and Electro-electronics.
Technological High School (EMT) of: Electromechanics, Thermodynamics, Automotive Mechanics and Electro-electronics.
Technician students from the Faculty of Engineering, UdelaR.
Engineering students from the Faculty of Engineering, UdelaR.
Graduates from this degree will be competent to:
As well as joining teamwork to carry out the same activities in more complex situations, both due to its characteristics and its scale.
¡Conocé el plan de estudios de la carrera!
Las preinscripciones a las carreras de grado de UTEC inician generalmente en el mes de noviembre y se realizan a través de un formulario web. Una vez aprobada la fecha oficial de inicio y fin de preinscripciones, podrás verla en nuestro sitio web.
La documentación necesaria para realizar esta preinscripción es la siguiente:
En el caso de aquellas carreras que no poseen límite de cupos para el ingreso o cuyos cupos no son superados en el primer período de preinscripciones, se abre una nueva instancia en el período enero-febrero.
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Hasta el 10 de diciembre está abierta la convocatoria para presentar artículos o trabajos académicos con foco en agua, suelo, producción sostenible e innovación educativa. Partic...
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