Regional venues

La decisión de avanzar en oferta y presencia de UTEC en el este del país figura en su Plan Estratégico 2021-2025, tras el estudio de necesidades de formación en la región realizado por la Universidad. El 11 de setiembre de 2022 se dio un paso trascendental para poder concretarla. La Junta   Departamental de Lavalleja votó la cesión en comodato a UTEC, por 30 años, de la actual terminal de ómnibus de la ciudad de Minas, predio en el que próximamente comenzarán las obras para la construcción del cuarto Instituto Tecnológico Regional (ITR).

Located in Plaza Libertad, UTEC renovated and inaugurated a new headquarters in 2022, equipped with state-of-the-art technological infrastructure. The 200 m² fully accessible space includes a 3.0 classroom, a creative computing technology lab, an academic and administrative support area, and sanitary facilities. The East Minas ITR building is currently under construction.

In the Department of Maldonado, classes are held at the Eastern Regional University Center (CURE in Spanish) of the University of the Republic (UdelaR). In agreement with UdelaR, UTEC has two laboratories equipped with 15 computers each, and also a conference room.

Results of the races that exceeded the registration quotas

Results of the races that exceeded the registration quotas

In order to confirm registration in the races where the quota was exceeded and to generate the corresponding priority list, a draw was held on Friday, January 24, 2025 before a no...

Pre-registration 2025: study at the public, free, technological and interior University

Pre-registration 2025: study at the public, free, technological and interior University

From January 20 to February 21, UTEC opens the second online pre-registration period at

Events UTEC
1 to 30
22 to 23
Multimedia UTEC
Inauguración sede UTEC Minas
Inauguración sede UTEC Minas
En tu interior está UTEC
En tu interior está UTEC
Ceremonia de titulaciones de UTEC Este
Ceremonia de titulaciones de UTEC Este
Inauguración sede UTEC Minas
Inauguración sede UTEC Minas
En tu interior está UTEC
En tu interior está UTEC
Ceremonia de titulaciones de UTEC Este
Ceremonia de titulaciones de UTEC Este
UTEC venues

Domingo Perez esq. Callejón Alfredo Vidal y Fuentes. Minas, Lavalleja.


2603 8832

Tacuarembó entre Bvar. Artigas y Av. Aparicio Saravia


4225 5326