Edible eucalyptus mushrooms: research began to learn more about this food and design new production processes

Edible eucalyptus mushrooms: research began to learn more about this food and design new production processes

The second episode of the #rutaUTEC podcast is about a work of the Bachelor's Degree in Food Analysis that began with the support of Montes del Plata.

Virtual reality, online challenges and fun activities to learn English

Virtual reality, online challenges and fun activities to learn English

The third edition of the English Immersion Camp organized by the Program of Languages ​​of the UTEC department Innova proposed to UTEC students an end to week to pure English. T...

Sorteo determinó admisión en carreras que superaron sus cupos

Sorteo determinó admisión en carreras que superaron sus cupos

La gran demanda que tuvieron algunas carreras de UTEC durante el período de preinscripciones hizo necesario que se realizara un sorteo, tal como lo establece la normativa vigente,...