UTEC Norte students design a charging station for electric bicycles with a tracking and user management system

UTEC Norte students design a charging station for electric bicycles with a tracking and user management system

The prototype is in the final stage of development and is already functional. Now they are looking to implement it as a pilot at the Northern Regional Technological Institute.

Wood waste becomes filters to improve the quality of the water that flows from the Rivera landfill into the Cuñapirú stream.

Wood waste becomes filters to improve the quality of the water that flows from the Rivera landfill into the Cuñapirú stream.

The project led by UTEC Rivera teachers seeks to reduce some contaminants in wastewater and raise awareness in the community about the importance of classifying solid waste at sou...

UTEC abrió su segundo período de preinscripciones para 2024 con nueva carrera en el área de datos e Inteligencia Artificial

UTEC abrió su segundo período de preinscripciones para 2024 con nueva carrera en el área de datos e Inteligencia Artificial

Desde el 22 de enero y hasta el 16 de febrero la Universidad Tecnológica recibe postulaciones para 16 carreras de grado en sostenibilidad ambiental, alimentos, mecatrónica, logíst...