UTEC students develop app to improve mobility in Melo

UTEC students develop app to improve mobility in Melo

Movi-Melo is the winning proposal between two initiatives presented. It will offer useful information to improve people's mobility, including data on public transport and points o...

Pre-registration 2025: study at the public, free, technological and interior University

Pre-registration 2025: study at the public, free, technological and interior University

From January 20 to February 21, UTEC opens the second online pre-registration period at descubri.utec.edu.uy.

Resultados de sorteos para ingresar en 2024 a carreras de Tecnologías de la Información

Resultados de sorteos para ingresar en 2024 a carreras de Tecnologías de la Información

Más de 1100 personas se postularon en noviembre-diciembre a la Licenciatura en Tecnologías de la Información y el Tecnólogo en Análisis y Desarrollo de Sistemas, carreras de UTEC ...

Results of the draw for the Degree in Information Technology

Results of the draw for the Degree in Information Technology

The raffle was carried out to designate those admitted and make up the priority list of this race that exceeded the quotas

In Rivera, the first logistics engineers in the country graduated

In Rivera, the first logistics engineers in the country graduated

Sixty-nine students received their intermediate and final degrees in the three regions where the Technological University is present.

Start of the Bachelor of IT in Minas and Melo: list of students for both venues

Start of the Bachelor of IT in Minas and Melo: list of students for both venues

The career starts next August 8 and offers 40 places in each venue; In the case of Minas, a lottery was necessary.

Minas y Melo: abrieron las preinscripciones para la Licenciatura en Tecnologías de la Información

Minas y Melo: abrieron las preinscripciones para la Licenciatura en Tecnologías de la Información

La carrera semipresencial comienza los cursos en agosto con 40 cupos para cada sede. El plazo para anotarse es del 1 al 30 de junio y prepara instancias presenciales en junio

Estudiantes de UTEC de todo el país recibirán sus títulos esta semana

Estudiantes de UTEC de todo el país recibirán sus títulos esta semana

La universidad está nuevamente de festejo. El martes 25 y viernes 28 de mayo se desarrollarán las primeras ceremonias de titulaciones virtuales del año. La primera jornada corresp...

UTEC spreads its talent in the north and seeks new job opportunities for young people

UTEC spreads its talent in the north and seeks new job opportunities for young people

From Rivera to Chile, Argentina, Brazil and all of Uruguay. Stories of study and work of young people who "fly away" without being uprooted.