What is a Chatbot, what is it for and how to include it in the classroom?

What is a Chatbot, what is it for and how to include it in the classroom?

In search of motivating classes UTEC trained teachers to incorporate simulations of real conversations in the classroom and encouraged reflection on their advantages and disadvant...

Resultados del sorteo de las carreras que superaron sus cupos en el segundo período

Resultados del sorteo de las carreras que superaron sus cupos en el segundo período

La Ingeniería en Control y Automática, la Licenciatura en Análisis Alimentario, el Tecnólogo Químico y el Tecnólogo en Informática recurrieron a sorteo para determinar la admisión...

Results of the draw for the Degree in Information Technology

Results of the draw for the Degree in Information Technology

The raffle was carried out to designate those admitted and make up the priority list of this race that exceeded the quotas