The Department of Innovation and Entrepreneurship carries out interdisciplinary programs for the development of 21st century skills and competencies, offering elective activities for UTEC students at the different locations where there is an academic offer. Likewise, the Department offers academic activities for continuous learning aimed at consolidating Uruguay's innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystems, and facilitating the competitiveness and international projection of knowledge-intensive value chains.
1. To contribute to the design and implementation of academic spaces open to the community, focused on solving technological challenges framed in interdisciplinary continuous learning activities, with the support of teaching teams and enriched by the opportunities provided by the infrastructure of UTEC (open innovation and technological incubation laboratories, cowork spaces) with a multiregional reach.
2. To consolidate a platform of articulation with all UTEC programs, developing interdisciplinary skills and socio-emotional competencies (with an emphasis on critical thinking, teamwork, self-regulated learning and communication), and promoting successful professional performances as managers of technological opportunities in their fields of study.
3. To promote, organize and support networking opportunities between UTEC and the community, including technology transfer services, sustainable open innovation ecosystems and continuing education on the design and management of innovation projects and innovative businesses, helping to develop and extend the technology-based entrepreneurial impulse.
4. To identify and facilitate access to enabling technologies that enhance the design, validation, prototyping and testing of digital technology-based products and services, as a contribution to the international positioning of Uruguayan companies within knowledge-intensive value chains.
5. To facilitate processes of co-creation of new curricular designs and interdisciplinary programs with a “triple helix” approach (collaboration between the academic, business and government sectors), supporting the development of people and professional teams with the capacity to manage contributions from the STEAM training areas (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) that contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) promoted by Uruguay and the international community.
6. To expand people's development opportunities, with a focus on interdisciplinary collaboration within diverse and inclusive teams - both within UTEC and in coordination with other educational, academic, social and business organizations - helping to implement institutional policy in this area.
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