The Technologist Degree in Environmental Control was created to provide the industrial productive sector with the possibility to incorporate professionally qualified personnel to contribute to the economic, social and technological development of the environment and the country, and at the same time, offer students training in modern technologies in environmental systems. The graduate's profile is of utmost importance nowadays for the pursuit of environmental sustainability, growth and development of the country. The Technologist in Environmental Control is offered as an option of continuing education for the Technician Degree in Environmental Control from UTU.
The following candidates will be able to enter the study plan:
a) students graduated from the Technician Degree in Environmental Control offered by CETP/UTU, after having completed an interview process and knowledge test to determine the Curricular Units to be taken in the leveling course of the degree.
b) students from the Technician Degree in Environmental Control offered by CETP/UTU, only pending the presentation of the Internship (which they must have passed before completing the second semester of this degree).
¡Conocé el plan de estudios de la carrera!
Las preinscripciones a las carreras de grado de UTEC inician generalmente en el mes de noviembre y se realizan a través de un formulario web. Una vez aprobada la fecha oficial de inicio y fin de preinscripciones, podrás verla en nuestro sitio web.
La documentación necesaria para realizar esta preinscripción es la siguiente:
En el caso de aquellas carreras que no poseen límite de cupos para el ingreso o cuyos cupos no son superados en el primer período de preinscripciones, se abre una nueva instancia en el período enero-febrero.
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