
Fray Bentos - Río Negro
Melo - Cerro Largo
Minas - Lavalleja




4 years

Título intermedio:

Higher University Technician in Information Technology


The Bachelor's Degree in Information Technology trains students in areas related to development/programming, testing and technological infrastructure. This program awards an associate's degree - the Higher Technician Degree in Information Technology - which is obtained upon completion of the fourth semester of the curriculum. The final degree - Bachelor's Degree in Information Technology - is obtained upon completion of all courses in the eight semesters of the curriculum.

a) High School graduates from the Secondary Education Council (CES) or the Technical and Professional Education Council (CETP-UTU).

b) Other educational backgrounds will be analyzed by the Degree Coordinator, as established in article 5 of the General Studies Regulations (Res. of the provisional CBD Nº 249/17 dated May 23rd, 2017) and in accordance with the procedures defined to this effect.

Technical requirements

Applicants must have a laptop with the following characteristics:

64 bit operating system (Windows 7 or Linux)
8 GB of RAM or more
64bit processor which supports intel Virtualization Technology VT-X (i5)
Disc space: 200 GB
Broadband internet connection


Applicants must have an average of 30 hours a week to devote to their studies (Monday to Friday) The program has a few full-time in-campus sessions .

Pre-registration process for LTI

Necessary documentation:

Proof of residence issued by the Ministry of the Interior
Identity card
Valid health card
Pass of the qualifying institution: Formula 69A or Proof of Egress
Motivation letter in which we ask you to explain why you want to study the degree.

Quota allocation

● 90% interior and 10% Montevideo
● 50% men and 50% women

Graduates from this degree will be competent to:

  • Development and Testing: apply the functional programming paradigm using specific languages. Recognize patterns and apply learning algorithms (Machine Learning) for development projects. Design and test process automations. Manage information generated by robotic mechanisms.
  • Technological infrastructure: develop cloud computing models and mechanisms adapted to pre-defined architectures. Design improvement proposals pursuant to national and international regulations and quality policies (UNIT 27000 and UNIT 20000). Design contingency plans to attend to cybersecurity in cloud environments.
  • Project management: Develop comprehensive IT business models. Implement projects applying project management and agile methodology guidelines.
  • Entrepreneurship: Comprehensive IT business consultancy and management services for companies, in compliance with applicable regulations. Application/consideration of ethical criteria and commitment/social dimension in IT solutions.
  • Data Science: Manage information from relational and non-relational databases to optimize processes. Understand the processes derived from the use of big data. Identify opportunities for the improvement of processes and products based on the application of the Internet of Things

Conocé la malla curricular de la carrera.

Ver Plan

La Licenciatura solo abre preinscripciones una vez al año, generalmente desde noviembre a diciembre.

Proceso de preinscripción para LTI

Documentación necesaria

  • Constancia de domicilio expedida por el Ministerio del Interior (dentro de los últimos
    12 meses).
  • Cédula de Identidad vigente.
  • Carné de salud vigente.
  • Pase de la institución habilitante: Fórmula 69A o Constancia de Egreso.
  • Carta motivación en la que te pedimos que expliques por qué querés estudiar la

Será obligatorio completar la totalidad del formulario de preinscripción, incluyendo el espacio de evaluación.

Aspectos generales

El nuevo Plan de Estudios aplicará únicamente para estudiantes de cohorte 2024 en adelante. Estudiantes de cohortes anteriores (estudiantes regulares, con estudios suspendidos o hayan solicitado la desvinculación), no podrán postularse a este inicio 2024.

Quienes postulen serán admitidos/as en la sede en que se preinscribieron y, en virtud del Art. 5 de la Circular de Movilidad vigente, no podrán solicitar un cambio de sede hasta no haber obtenido al menos la titulación intermedia de la carrera. Sin perjuicio de lo anterior, la carrera podrá definir el ingreso en otra sede cuando haya cupos disponibles.

Asignación de cupos

  • 90% interior y 10% Montevideo
  • 50% hombres y 50% mujeres

En caso de superar el cupo, se realizará sorteo en el día 19 de enero de 2024 (hora a confirmar).

En caso de preinscriptos/as que resulten sorteados y tengan cursos pendientes de aprobación, deberán demostrar su aprobación antes del inicio de cursos. En caso contrario, se desestimará la inscripción y se procederá a asignar el cupo a otro postulante del sorteo.



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Sede UTEC Durazno Sede UTEC Fray Bentos Melo Sede UTEC Minas
Teléfono: (+598) 2603 8832, int. 609 (+598) 4362 0217, int 708
secretaria.lti.itrso@utec.edu.uy / secretaria.lti.itrcs@utec.edu.uy / secretaria.lti.minas@utec.edu.uy / secretaria.lti.melo@utec.edu.uy