UTEC Durazno transforms the old kitchen of an old hospital into a coworking space and a hub to support innovation in sustainability.

UTEC Durazno transforms the old kitchen of an old hospital into a coworking space and a hub to support innovation in sustainability.

The Technological University expands its capabilities in Durazno with an annex located on Rubino Street, between Maciel and Otilia Schultze. It is part of UTEC's Regional Technolo...

Cities and their energy requirements under study: UTEC Durazno has new Renewable Energy engineers and a dozen other graduates

Cities and their energy requirements under study: UTEC Durazno has new Renewable Energy engineers and a dozen other graduates

The first graduate of the Educational Link Program received their degree, allowing a UTU student to continue their studies towards a degree in Renewable Energy Engineering and val...

Resultados de sorteos para ingresar en 2024 a carreras de Tecnologías de la Información

Resultados de sorteos para ingresar en 2024 a carreras de Tecnologías de la Información

Más de 1100 personas se postularon en noviembre-diciembre a la Licenciatura en Tecnologías de la Información y el Tecnólogo en Análisis y Desarrollo de Sistemas, carreras de UTEC ...