The objective of the Languages Program is that all students are capable of achieving linguistic competences in foreign languages and in their mother tongue, allowing them to communicate effectively, learn from others and share their ideas in the communities they are part of. Likewise, we promote the development of intercultural competencies that allow students to transcend geographical barriers.
The Program is develops its activities mainly through four educational areas:
English language
English is a curricular unit within the study plans of all majors, and its learning is based on a methodology of individual learning paths. Each student, regardless of their entry level, can choose the way they want to learn this language: videoconference tutoring sessions, self-managed courses on EDU platform (OpenEdx) or hybrid and face-to-face workshops and courses. All UTEC students go through a certification process of their level of English through external exams offered by the University of Cambridge.
Other modern languages
The Program offers the possibility of studying Mandarin Chinese and Portuguese in videoconference tutoring sessions, as well as getting certified in these languages through the CELPE-BRAS and HSK exams. The modern languages offer is dynamic and seeks to incorporate a wide range of options, which include: sign language and German.
Learning a second language can bring several benefits:
Better access to study documents and resources for future research
Establishment of knowledge networks with foreign organizations
Greater job placement opportunities
Openness to other cultures
Academic Writing Center (AWC)
The AWC seeks to provide students with the academic tools necessary to perform successfully in college. It aims to develop skills that train critical readers and writers, through its offer of courses, workshops, materials and tutorials, both in Spanish and English. It also integrates other work opportunities with the language through workshops and cultural events where other discursive genres are addressed.
Activities with a focus on 21st century skills
The program offers activities focused on the development of effective communication, digital literacy, critical thinking and intercultural competence through:
Study trips abroad (English in Action)
Immersion camps
Participation in projects with university students abroad
Participation in the University Innovation Fellows program at Stanford University
Visits from English-speaking researchers, teachers and students to UTEC venues
Workshops and projects in collaboration with English Teaching Assistants of the Fulbright Commission
Activities that foster networking with the community, such as Bricks and Bits and UTEC Reach
Rossana Mántaras - Program Leader
Ezequiel Alemán - Professor - ULO
William Machado - Associate Professor - Online Tutoring Sessions - ULO
Lorena Calzoni - Assistant Professor - Central-South RTI
Maria Noel Maquieira - Associate Professor - Central-South RTI
John Fontaine - Associate Professor - Self-managed Courses in EDU - Southwest RTI
Victoria Soumastre - Associate Professor - Southwest RTI
Laura Romiti - Assistant Professor - Southwest RTI
Mariana Milsev - Assistant Professor - Southwest RTI
Eugenia Balseiro - Associate Professor - Northern RTI
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