This fund seeks to promote the visibility of the research carried out at UTEC, as well as the insertion of its research groups into international networks. The aim is to generate and strengthen the links of researchers with the international scientific community and the socialization of results.
The call will be managed in a continuous submission basis, which implies that applications will be received continuously and they will be evaluated in batches biweekly.
In 2025 the submission period will have two openings as indicated below:
The application is made through a form that must be requested to:
Applications may be submitted by:
-UTEC teachers based outside Montevideo who have been in their role for at least one year and are linked to UTEC research groups.
-UTEC students based outside Montevideo who demonstrate that they are carrying out research activities at UTEC.
-UTEC research fellows.
-International researchers who are linked to research activities at UTEC.
The modalities contemplated by the fund are the following:
-International Congress (includes those held in Uruguay)
-Research internship abroad (includes technical visits within the framework of postgraduate studies)
-Virtual Congress
-Publication of articles in international peer-reviewed journals
-Research stays at UTEC for researchers from abroad
Each applicant may submit only one application per call. The application is individual.
For inquiries, contact:
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Teléfono (+598) 2603 8832 |