empresas socias en 2022


Technology Units in the territory


Grupos de Investigación Estratégica conformados en 2022


technological services offered in 2022

Technological Services Platform

The Technological Services Platform (PST in Spanish) is responsible for the development, management, administration and provision of the technological services that we offer from UTEC, mainly to the productive sector.

Unidades Tecnológicas


Postdoctoral Fellowships

The Postdoctoral Scholarships are aimed at people with completed Doctorate (PhD) studies (candidates can present themselves with a title in process). Adjunct teaching hours are financed through a fixed-term contract, for a maximum of 24 months and a minimum of 12 months.

Scientific Equipment

The purpose is to optimize the purchase and availability of the equipment acquired by UTEC to carry out research activities and provision of technological services.

Graduate Scholarships

The research scholarships awarded by UTEC are intended to enhance the institution's research and development capabilities by fostering the training and recruitment of talented individuals.

Research Initiation Scholarships

The research scholarships are intended to enhance the institution's research and development capabilities by fostering the training and recruitment of talented individuals.

Smart totems will be designed by UTEC for efficient management of rural roads in Rivera

Smart totems will be designed by UTEC for efficient management of rural roads in Rivera

A project financed by the IDB seeks to make a leap in quality in management tasks of departmental governments using ICT tools, artificial intelligence, renewable energy and second...

Increase in female students in Renewable Energies

Increase in female students in Renewable Energies

The degree taught at UTEC Durazno has been increasing the participation of female students to an enrollment of 26% in 2024 but challenges still remain. Teachers prepare “energy am...